Thursday, October 25, 2007

Final day!!!

This is treatment # 33, woo hoo! I saw the oncologyst for the final time on Monday, and he gave me a few more perscriptions as my neck could open up and I need to be soaking it with a solution to help. I'ts itchy. I took a few photo's this morning.

I am going to visit my nephews after my final 3pm appt and I think tomorrow I can actually sleep in.....I am so very tired and up so early every day. poor me right.

I thank everyone in their support, e-mails and comments. i read them all and appreciate each one.
I can't believe it's done!
I suppose I can't say remission until the doctors go back down to make sure it all worked, but I have faith.


Anonymous said...

Yahoo!!!!!!! It's over and your neck looks pretty sore. More soup, more love and you will be better in no time. Give the boys a hug for me! Big Hugs to you Love Mom.

Anonymous said...

Ouch. It looks like it is very sore. I am glad that the treatment is finally over. Get some well deserved sleep! Keep us posted on what the doctor says once they have a chance to revisit you situation.

You've been so upbeat!

Sandra Hartwig

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Kim! It's done.
Now get that much deserved rest and the healing process will go quickly.. cause I said so.

Here's to you...
