Monday, September 24, 2007

1/3 done...

Today marks the 1.3 the way done! 22 more treatments to go, and I still feel OK. I am finding it tough to eat still, and I have to chew a lot and eat slow and my throat does feel like it's closing up on me. As I type this I am guzzlin water trying to make it all better. It does not work!!!

I went out last week with Carmen to watch Andy's band play (i left before it started, sorry Andy!) I was tired, and it took me an hour to eat a piece of pizza....mind you we were talking but I really had to chew. I was at mom's for dinner last night and I think I did pretty good, she made some fantastic soups with A Glo on Sat so that was good. We were really full.

I had lots of questions today for Dr Sheehan, and for most of them he has to get back to me. As he said before, this new (5-7 years) cancer is still undergoing research so he does not have all the answers. I did get a prescription for liquid T3 pain meds cause it's getting really tough to swallow the pills. I have stopped taking my vitamins and stuff too, it just hurts to much. The doctor said I should not start any other natural stuff, just stick to multivitamin and that's all until treatment is done as some things can interfere with radiation...I just left it at that.

Nothing more to report.....The apartement is getting closer to being done, so moving day is approaching....not nearly fast enough as I can't wait to get into a vertually brand new place! I just have to get John to work 20hr days instead of 16....hahahha!

Thanks for reading.


Thursday, September 20, 2007


Good afternoon!

I got home today to find these beautiful flowes at my door. I have to say, they are fabulous! They were sent from Capital West, Shaun's (my boss) sister sent them.

I wanted to send out a big thanks to everyone who has sent me flowers, cards and stuff. It really does make your day to come home and see these! I have a big smile.

How much longer? oh ya, 24 more to go! I think tomorrow I am going to ask for stronger pain medication.:(

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I have 25 treatments to go! my throat is killing me! Not literally mind you......

I had to take two extra strength tylenol last night and I still woke up in pain. I have put a picture up, I think of my throat. I had it professionally taken so you will get the point i think. it seems more red in real life. I am still coughing so much, and it makes it worse.

I am still hanging in there, getting tired, had a nice long nap today.

Monday, September 17, 2007

week two...

Today was a different day. I saw the oncologyst, Dr Sheehan and the nutritionist.

The biopsy that was taken two weeks ago was not yet cancerous, but they have included it in the treatment plan to make sure it never does. Dr Sheehan still believes it is some type of infection rather than smoking and alcholol related (ye haw!) his thinking is somthing I actually do not wish to share with this blog, but he says that they are still not sure how this type of infection is caused and 5 years ago they knew even less. He has given me a few suggestions to make sure that these spots do not reoccur. He said he actually feels more optomistic about the long term outcome of my treatment than he did before. He answered the few questions I had and then off to my 6th treatment.

The nutritionist gave me some information, but all in all she would be a more beneficial person to visit when i no longer feel like eating. her suggestions mostly contain soy or milk products and really those don't go down so well on the best of days. I find milk really coats my throat and does not feel so good

I got my signed insurance forms back today, so in the mail they go, it'll be interesting to see how long they take to pay me anything.

Cheers! my chin is still up.

Friday, September 14, 2007

28 more to go....

I have been and gone from the clinic today. My appt was at 8:30. Monday I see my oncologist. I will be asking him questions, and I suppose he will be asking me some. i am not really sure what to expect. i hope he has filled out my insurance papers!

My sister had a good idea to take a weekly picture to see what changes, if any, occur in my face and neck. So i will take one later today. perhaps i will post them all after this is done and you can be the judge....i wouldn't mind losing a little pudge in my face!

Yesterday was a little bit scary, not for me but it sure had my heart racing. I went to this Chinese Herb doctor and he called me to tell me to come 20 min later cause he had a emergency. When i got there, there was an ambulance outside....uh oh. I went to the second floor hoping there were no paramedics but when the elevator opened there was a young girl on a stretcher geting CPR. She was only in her bra and underwear, looked like they cut her clothes off. she had no pulse or very little. I was having second thoughts about my appointment.

Turns out she has advanced stage of lung cancer and was going to him for some chinese medicine because she could not breath. she had a seizure and he called 911. i felt terrible for her and her husband who was there too.

Needless to say, that ruined my day and I truly hope she was OK.

Weekend is here and lee is dropping Gavin off this afternoon so we can have a visit for a few days. Should be fun times! I am going to see if i can put 10lbs on the kid.

Cheers, have a great weekend!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The first treatment

I went at 3pm on Monday. My mom met me there an was great support. We got there a little early and I picked up the moulds for me teeth so i could start the floride treatment yesterday too.

I had a lot of questions for the lady who welcomed me and she answered them and I am happy to be starting.

OK, so back into the mask i go, three people marking, taping and moving me up and down on the bed to get the angle just right. Then out the door they go, (who wants to be in the room with radiation flying all over the place)
2 minutes later, all done!
Now, they say you cannot feel anything, and they are probably right. You really have to go to a happy place and not let your mind wander, or seriously, you can feel the lazer beams going through your neck....but you can't really can you?

I am putting lots of glaxal base cream on my neck and chest to try to keep the redness and dryness away as long as I can. To be honest, I already feel a little different in the area, hopefully this is a good thing. I went today again at 8:20 and i was out by 8:30, they were right on time today, yayyyy!! I still feel good, the accumulitive effects of the Radiation will make me very tired and sore, but for this week so far I feel OK.

that's it, 31 more to go!


Thursday, September 6, 2007

Monday Sept 10th...wish me luck

I just got the call from the clinic. Monday Sept 10th at 3pm is my first Radiation treatment. On this appointment I will be getting a pink card to show my week schedule. I will not have the same appointment time every day due to scheduling issues with each patient.

My heart is racing.....but as I keep saying I am excited to get this **** outta my system.

This weekend i spent way too much money trying to but better food, organic veggies and a lot of wheatgrass. I found i really like the Organic Raw almond butter in place of peanut butter, and I am drinking coconut water and Fiji bottled water. Just a few steps to try to get my PH balance back into my body and cut out sugar and processed foods. it's tough! Veggies, veggies and more raw veggies is what my book says. Can you believe that one lady actually cured herself from Breast and Cervical Cancer by changing her lifestyle (food mostly). I am not a sucker, this lady actually exists and she has a clinic in the US where docters actually send their patients who don't want traditional treatment.

I will continue to post, so please continue to read and post comments so I know who is actually keeping up and sending me those much needed prayers and thoughts!

Much love,
