Friday, September 14, 2007

28 more to go....

I have been and gone from the clinic today. My appt was at 8:30. Monday I see my oncologist. I will be asking him questions, and I suppose he will be asking me some. i am not really sure what to expect. i hope he has filled out my insurance papers!

My sister had a good idea to take a weekly picture to see what changes, if any, occur in my face and neck. So i will take one later today. perhaps i will post them all after this is done and you can be the judge....i wouldn't mind losing a little pudge in my face!

Yesterday was a little bit scary, not for me but it sure had my heart racing. I went to this Chinese Herb doctor and he called me to tell me to come 20 min later cause he had a emergency. When i got there, there was an ambulance outside....uh oh. I went to the second floor hoping there were no paramedics but when the elevator opened there was a young girl on a stretcher geting CPR. She was only in her bra and underwear, looked like they cut her clothes off. she had no pulse or very little. I was having second thoughts about my appointment.

Turns out she has advanced stage of lung cancer and was going to him for some chinese medicine because she could not breath. she had a seizure and he called 911. i felt terrible for her and her husband who was there too.

Needless to say, that ruined my day and I truly hope she was OK.

Weekend is here and lee is dropping Gavin off this afternoon so we can have a visit for a few days. Should be fun times! I am going to see if i can put 10lbs on the kid.

Cheers, have a great weekend!

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