Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The answer is....

It's Cancer

I spoke to Dr Sheehan at 1:30 today and he confirmed that he has spoken to all the doctors and reluctantly they agree it's an early form of Cancer. We are going to be proceeding right away with getting everything started so I can start my Radiation Treatment ASAP. I have an appointment already tomorrow with the Dental Dept of VGH to go over anything I might need done prior to treatment.

After that I will have another appointment to have a mesh mask made up of my face, neck and shoulders to hold everything in place and in the exact same spot for each radiation session. The sessions will last from 6-7 weeks with daily treatment with each session lasting about 15 minutes and about another 4-6 weeks for recovery. I will be looking at about 3 months off work due to the side effects of the radiation.

I will be looking into getting a nutritionist and volunteer drivers who can take me each day, I have been told as I get further into treatment I will have to be on pain killers and won't be able to drive and my throat will be very sore.

I am happy to have answers, can't say I am happy with them, but at least I can move forward and start my treatment.

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